August 10

Kitty Porn

Cats are amazing creatures. My cat, for example, spends her hours plotting my demise (her last attempt at tripping me almost succeeded). For all her tenacity, however, she hasn’t managed even a basic mastery over the computer keyboard. Keith Griffin’s cat, however, is an expert.

According to Griffin, his cat is not only a master of the keyboard but is also a connoisseur of the arts. Unfortunately, said cat is not a master of spelling or perhaps said cat made a typo while searching for “kitty porn”. It was an error that has landed poor, poor Keith Griffin in an ocean of hot water.

Poor, poor Griffin only wanted to download some music. While he was downloading his musical bits the nefarious cat jumped on the keyboard. Satisfied that his cat had everything under control, Griffin left the room. When he returned, however, he found “strange things” on his computer and a guilty looking cat staring at him.

Strange things? Over one thousand “strange things” had somehow made their way onto his computer. It was the cat that “dun” it, of course. While Griffin (poor, poor, Griffin) was out of the room, the cat had conducted his own virtual exploration. Keeping one watchful eye on the door, the cat used his favourite search engine and was surprised to find that the results didn’t depict a single kitty. Undeterred, the criminal cat browsed away. He apparently enjoyed what he saw because he saved over a thousand images for later perusal.

Of course the cat did it, Keith Griffin, of course he did. You would never have such “strange things” on your computer, now, would you? If only the constabulary would believe you. Poor, poor Griffin.